Saturday, 30 April 2011

This picture and the previous post show the amount of work that went into just one mural.

Old Photos

It is hard to see the pictures from the banner on line, so I will post some of the old photos so they can be better seen.  If you have anything to share that would be informative I'd appreciate your comments.  To get a better double click on the picture.

Banner Finished and Looking Good

 The banner for the 35th is finished and is hanging in the gallery right now.  We will use the image on our promotional posters.  It was fun to watch the long time members of the guild remembering past projects and trying to figure our who was who in some of the older pictures.  If you want to get a good look just click on the image to enlarge.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Planning Meeting and Smoke and Fire

It seems where the is smoke and fire you will find a group of potters.  I have managed to scan old pictures from around the guild but am in need of pictures from the last 10 years so if you could e-mail them to me or give them to me I will scan them for the power point.  Please choose only a few of the best from an event, try to get as many familiar faces in the picture and choose clear pictures.

Last Thursday we had our planning meeting for the anniversary celebration.  We decided our theme would be Still Fired Up After 35 Years.  We would like to involve the community in some of the celebrations (your ideas would be appreciated) but have decided that the party will be for us to celebrate our success.  Bob Barkley is the master of ceremonies and is planning the program.  Jen Lloyd is planning a float for the Farmer's Day Parade so let her know if you can be of help  Bob wants to sit at the old kick wheel and throw pots, on he float, sounds like fun.  Our next meeting will be on May 10.  There will be more info about tickets at a later post but they will be $35 in keeping with the theme.